£40,000 in Funding for British Academy Visiting Fellowships 2025 Edition.

British Academy Visiting Fellowship

The British Academy Visiting Fellowships offer substantial funding opportunities for researchers from around the world to visit UK institutions. For the 2025 edition, successful applicants can receive up to £40,000 to support their research activities. This guide provides comprehensive details on the application process, eligibility, funding specifics, and other key information.

British Academy Visiting Fellowship

1. Overview of the Fellowship

The British Academy Visiting Fellowships are designed to support research excellence by enabling scholars to visit UK institutions. The fellowship provides financial support for living expenses, travel, and research costs during the fellowship period.

2. Funding Details

  • Amount: Up to £40,000.
  • Duration: Typically up to 12 months.
  • Usage: Funds can be used for:
    • Living expenses in the UK.
    • Travel costs to and from the UK.
    • Research-related expenses such as equipment and materials.

3. Eligibility Criteria

To apply for the British Academy Visiting Fellowships, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Academic Standing: Must be a researcher with a proven track record in their field.
  • Affiliation: Must be employed or affiliated with a recognized institution outside the UK.
  • Research Focus: The proposed research should align with the British Academy’s research priorities and areas of interest.
  • Institutional Host: Must have a UK institution willing to host the fellowship.

4. Application Process

Step 1: Preparation

  • Research Proposal: Develop a detailed research proposal outlining your objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
  • Host Institution: Secure an agreement with a UK institution to host your fellowship.

Step 2: Submission

  • Application Form: Complete the online application form available on the British Academy’s website.
  • Supporting Documents: Provide the following documents:
    • Research proposal.
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV).
    • Letter of support from the UK host institution.
    • Evidence of previous research achievements.
  • Deadline: Check the British Academy’s website for specific deadlines for the 2025 edition.

Step 3: Review Process

  • Applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts in the relevant field.
  • Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview or asked for additional information.

5. Selection Criteria

The selection panel will assess applications based on:

  • Research Quality: The significance and originality of the proposed research.
  • Fit with British Academy Priorities: Alignment with the Academy’s research priorities.
  • Host Institution: The quality and relevance of the UK host institution.
  • Research Impact: Potential impact and contribution to the field.

6. Award Conditions

  • Reporting: Successful fellows are required to submit progress reports and a final report on their research activities.
  • Publications: Fellows are encouraged to publish their research findings and acknowledge the support of the British Academy.

7. Additional Resources


The £40,000 funding for the British Academy Visiting Fellowships presents a valuable opportunity for researchers to advance their projects while collaborating with UK institutions. By following the application guidelines and meeting the eligibility criteria, researchers can benefit from this prestigious fellowship and make significant contributions to their fields.

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