Lephalale TVET College is one of the TVET Colleges in Limpopo. Here is how students can apply to study at the college
Lephalale TVET College aims to create lasting solutions to poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and inequality. They aim to do so through the provision of vocational and technical skills required in the labour market.
Courses offered at the college are categorized by campus. Their campuses include the Lephalale Main Campus and the Modimolle Campus.
The College offers the following courses:
- National Certificate Vocational Courses
- Business Studies
- Engineering Studies
- Skills Courses
Students interested in applying for any of these courses may visit the college website. Here is how students can apply:
How To Apply:
- Visit the Lephalale TVET College website.
- Select “Certificate & Diploma Application”.
- Begin with the Application Process.
- Download the application form.
Students will be required to submit the necessary documents with their application. Here are some of the documents needed:
- Identity Document
- Latest academic results
- Proof of residence.