Social grants serve as essential financial assistance to vulnerable individuals and families living in South Africa. It’s therefore important to know if your application for a grant has been approved.
The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) distributes more than 18 million social grants to vulnerable people living in the country. These grants allow beneficiaries to purchase basic goods and services every month.
Sassa distributes several permanent grants to beneficiaries. These permanent grants include Older Person grants, Disability grant, War Veterans grant, Care Dependency grant, Foster Child grant, Child Support grant, Child Support grant Top Up and Grant-in-aid.
Applications for permanent grants can be made at a Sassa office nearest to where the applicant lives. Additionally, applications for Older Person grants, Child Support grants or Foster Child grants can be submitted online.
In cases where a grant applicant is too old or sick to travel, they may nominate a family member to apply for the grant on their behalf. The grant applicant will need to write a letter authorising the grant application.
All Sassa grant applications are completed in the presence of a Sassa official unless the application was done online.
Tracking Your Grant Application
When you complete a grant application, Sassa will provide the applicant with a reference number or a receipt. A grant application is considered complete after you submitted all the required documents.
Sassa urged grant applicants to keep the reference number/receipt as it is the only proof a grant application was submitted. They can use this reference number to enquire about the status of their grant application.
Grant applicants can call Sassa at 080060 10 11 or email at [email protected].
If your grant application is approved by Sassa, you will receive grant payments from the date you submit your completed application. If you applied for the Foster Care grant, it will be paid from the date of the court order.
If your grant application was rejected, you must be informed in writing why your application was unsuccessful. Unsuccessful grant applicants have the right to appeal Sassa’s decision to reject the grant application.