Home NSFAS NSFAS Student Portal – myNSFAS

NSFAS Student Portal – myNSFAS

NSFAS is the National Student Financial Aid Scheme which is a government loan and bursary fund for students through the NSFAS funding. NSFAS application and registration opens in the later part of the year for students with the NSFAS closing date usually being in the next calendar year.

The NSFAS portal, which is called myNSFAS, is the most important tool for applying to NSFAS.

NSFAS gives bursaries to students from poor and working class backgrounds which goes beyond just paying for your fees. They’ll also pay for your registration, accommodation, transport, books through NSFAS allowances.

So What Are the Nsfas Requirements?

The most important requirement is that your household income should come to R350 000 or less per year. This means that if you add up everyone’s salaries in your house for the year and it comes to over R350 000, you won’t qualify.

To apply for a NSFAS bursary students will need to submit their NSFAS online application using myNSFAS.

Careers Portal has everything you need to know about NSFAS, NSFAS applications and NSFAS allowances.


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