African Film Drama (AFDA) is the school for the creative economy and was established in 1994 with campuses in and around South Africa. The institution is a Private Higher Education Institution owned by Stadio Holdings and offers Higher Certificate and Degree programmes that are registered by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). AFDA offers courses in film, television, performance, business innovation and technology, radio and podcasting.
What courses can students choose from at AFDA?
Higher Certificate – to study this course, you will need the minimum requirements of:
- National Senior Certificate with entry into a Diploma or Higher Certificate
- Should you not have the above, you may be able to qualify to complete and pass the AFDA Entrance Exam
Undergraduate Bachelor’s Degree (BA / BCOM) – to study this programme, you will need the minimum requirements of:
- National Senior Certificate (with entry into a Bachelor’s degree.
- You may enter an AFDA degree if you have successfully completed the AFDA Higher Certificate course.
- The National Skills Certificate / National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV) on NQF level 4 with 3 fundamental subjects (incl English) above 60% and 4 vocational subjects above 70%.
- A technical N5 certificate with 4 subjects passed on N5 level including Maths and English.
- The ACE School of Tomorrow (Accelerated Christian Education) on an achievement level similar to matric exemption.
- If you do not have matric exemption but have passed the first year of an accredited programme on NQF 6 or 7 (first year of a diploma or degree).
- Should you not have any of the above, you may be able to qualify to complete and pass the AFDA Entrance Exam
- If you do not have matric exemption, but are 23 years or older, you can apply for exemption to study a degree at AFDA with Higher Education South Africa (HESA)
Postgraduate Diploma (PG DIP), Honours Degree (BA HONS) or Master of Fine Arts (MFA) – to qualify for this programme, students are required to have a undergraduate qualification (NQF LEVEL 7) from an accredited institution.
What is the admission procedure?
The first step would be to book a consultation at one of the AFDA campuses depending where you are residing. This is where students will meet with a career counselor or staff member who will advise you about your chosen course of study. The second step would be for students to complete the application and attach all the necessary documents that are needed when applying for your course. The third step is to await confirmation from the campus you have applied to. The fourth step is to register online and pay a fee of R5950 that has to be paid in order to secure your position for enrolment. The final step is to introduce yourself at the campus that you have registered at and follow the enrolment procedure.
What costs are involved when applying?
The fee of the course is fully inclusive and students are provided with all the necessary materials, facilities and equipment. The only additional costs include personal stationery, duplication costs, camera consumables, transport to and from film sets and catering when students are on sets.
For all those students that are interested in pursuing your studies at AFDA, you can apply by clicking on as enrolment for 2021 opens on the 25th of January. Submit all your required documents to avoid any disappointments.