Home NSFAS How NSFAS Communicates Your Appeal Outcome

How NSFAS Communicates Your Appeal Outcome

The importance of receiving student funding from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme cannot be understated if you are among the country’s financially vulnerable students. This is why the scheme also allows applicants to lodge an appeal when their application has been rejected.

The appeals process is still ongoing and was initially opened on 20 January 2023. NSFAS has also stated that all application decisions, including the appeal option and appeal processes, are available to applicants through the myNSFAS portal, accessible via the NSFAS website.

Regarding the appeal process, NSFAS provides a list of possible scenarios in which they will consider your appeals. You will then be required to choose the suitable option.

Listed below are the reasons NSFAS will consider if you appeal:

  1. Failure to meet academic performance requirements
  2. Change in financial circumstances
  3. Loss of bursary sponsor
  4. Incorrect academic results were submitted which led to the non-renewal of funding

How To Appeal Your NSFAS Application

To appeal your NSFAS application you can follow these steps:

  1. Login into your myNSFAS account
  2. Click Track Funding Process option
  3. Check you progress to see if your application was unsuccessful
  4. You will now be able to submit an appeal by clicking on the submit an appeal button
  5. Once you are on the application appeal page you will be able to see the reason for your unsuccessful application
  6. You will now need to give a reason for your appeal
  7. A document needs to be provided to support your appeal

It is also crucial to remember that NSFAS applicants who wish to appeal must also fill out and download the appropriate propensity letter. Here are the propensity letters available for download:

  1. Failure to meet academic eligibility (PDF)
  2. Appealing N+1 (PDF)
  3. N+2 students with disability (PDF)
  4. Registered for 50% or less (final year course credits) to complete (PDF)

Applicants are usually given 30 days to appeal the rejection status upon receiving the decision from NSFAS. Within the same update relating to appeals, NSFAS also pointed out that some of the students who have lodged appeals are yet to submit all the required supporting documents.

“We have also noted a significant number of students with appeals that do not have the relevant supporting documents. We urge students to please assist in the process of appeals by submitting the correct document when requested to do so.”

NSFAS has also called on tertiary institutions to assist by ensuring that students submit the correct documents.

To find out more about the NSFAS bursary, applications and the latest changes, head to our NSFAS page


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